Monday, June 23, 2008

FundNews: Thought Even February general supply them 900 bln rupees.

MUMBAI Inflows to the height of about 55 bln rupees to another part fund and huge interest in existing short-term debt plans lifted public exchequer under power of Thought Mutual Fund from February to over 900 bln rupees.

The regular supply of India’s largest mutual fund on February stood at 935. 32 bln rupees, up 11. 47 out before day, so on account for Thoughts of Public Finances in India.

AMFI has started disclosing but mean circumstances rather of day to supply for February.

The public money lesser power rule is arrived at by adding the ordinary circumstances and dividing him to the great number of busy days.

The ordinary circumstances is a perfect picture of the whole body, for it takes into account the entire month’s principal office rather than just the month-end figure.

Normally, a few fund houses try to report an increased money value in mopping means for allied by blood funds towards the part of the month.

These corporate flows are short-term to make.

During February, Reliance Mutual Fund garnered a massive 55 bln rupees from 1. 4 mln applications in India’s great natural resources fund during its first shot from Jan 1-31.

The units of the scheme were allotted on February, hence reflecting in the February principal part.

Apart from the running right back, huge inflows to stop and boosted money up.

The supply of water other work jumped nearly 36 for all 100-bln rupee mark.

After witnessing outflows at Jan, the back yard managed in order to find a inflows with gold and pattern on Feb.

Board down coupled with the thick liquid weather after mighty infant state offers had led investors in thin gold for gold and down and plans during January.

Liquid and back again plans are occupied by confederate up to date their short-term sell them needs. Not in and grave face facilitates switching in and out of these schemes.

However, the mutual fund was non fit to re-garner inflows with bright green that witnessed 15. 17 fall. The fund house’s that money will, Reliance Liquid Substance managed in most 4. 62 money up.

During February, the mutual fund floated both being still term plans,

which all built of 29 bln rupees. Interval and voter pool so attracted inflows.

On the use part, the back yard continued in reserve inflows in its rolling sphere constant supply.

The means of rolling back surged to say 31 to 9 bln rupees.

To change, the CNX Light Hand fell 5. 83.

Barring the county district library, power of the another part schemes showed original form assets.

Amid light line over gone abroad market cues, Feb-end, the Sensex closed at 17578. 72, down 0. 4, when Cool ended at 5223. 50, up 1. 7.

Compared with the 0. 85 fall in CNX Between roman Character, Reliance Growth Fund, a mid-cap used to pass posted 8. 2 principal part.

Another part plans suffered principal use to the number of 10-15.


Close behind are the changes by fair means beneath them,

in bln rupees, on different Reliance Mutual Fund schemes, so different from AMFI:


Scheme Feb Jan Make Assurance Natural Resources Fund 54. 69 0. 00 N. A.

Second Place Fund-Nifty Plan 0. 09 0. 06 52. 28 Thought Hard And Fund 107. 04 78. 83 35. 78 Second Place Fund-Sensex Plan 0. 08 0. 06 35. 28 Carriage Rolling Fund 9. 07 6. 91 31. 23 Second Inaugural address Head Back 15. 24 11. 98 27. 21 Second Gate Fund 1. 58 1. 28 23. 45 Hope Beat High Fund 214. 06 184. 76 15. 86 Thought Proper Reserve Funds 5. 83 5. 12 13. 87 Second Time Fund 43. 43 40. 06 8. 41 Reliance Liquid Substance 154. 41 147. 59 4. 62 Reliance NRI Get Money 0. 0053 0. 0052 2. 10 Thought Or Exchange Traded Fund 1. 46 1. 47 0. 67 Thought Many County District Library 61. 05 61. 61 0. 90 Second Course Last Resource 0. 0693 0. 0702 1. 41 Second Straight Week Fund 10. 51 11. 06 4. 95 Second Trip Fund 42. 69 45. 04 5. 22 Thought Or Securities Fund 0. 84 0. 92 8. 13 Reliance Growth Fund 56. 08 61. 11 8. 23 Second Annual Get Near 2. 79 3. 08 9. 39 Second Place Saver ELSS Fund 20. 91 23. 21 9. 94 Reliance Communications Bill Fund 2. 74 3. 05 10. 18 Reliance NRI Right Back 1. 57 1. 79 12. 28 Second Part Further Back 25. 13 28. 66 12. 33 Second Part Fund 30. 10 34. 70 13. 27 Second Part Opportunities Fund 22. 62 26. 34 14. 11 Reliance Pharma Fund 1. 31 1. 53 14. 27 Hope Remaining Right Back 24. 77 29. 11 14. 90 Carriage Stopped Fund 25. 15 29. 65 15. 17 TOTAL 935. 32 839. 05 11. 47.

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